I want to learn how to incorporate the philanthropic conversation into my practice…or I would like to get better at it!

I know my clients can save more in taxes through charitable giving, but I am not always sure how to address their options.

I want to help my clients deploy grants from the right giving vehicle.

I want to help my clients choose the right asset to donate—considering taxation both now and/or in the future.

CPA New Client Intake Form

Family Offices

We have incorporated the philanthropic conversation into our practice…but what are the most current and best-suited options for our clients?

What resources (past podcasts, webinars, articles, videos, and more) would be helpful learning tools for our staff and clients?

Is a family foundation best? What about a donor-advised fund? What about other charitable giving vehicles?

Could my clients be communicating better about their individual and collective values, concerns, and focus?

Trusts & Estates Attorneys

I want to ensure our team ALWAYS talks about the many options regarding bequest intentions.

Is a donor-advised fund (DAF) the best philanthropic solution for heirs who don’t always share their parents’ issues/concerns?

How can testamentary choices like charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, and charitable lead trusts benefit my clients who are philanthropic?

Is it possible to help clients start disposing of assets NOW for charitable purposes…or should we wait until they ultimately pass? What would doing BOTH look like?

Trust & Estates Attorney New Client Intake Form

Wealth Advisors

Do I find that I only talk about charitable planning when clients are naming beneficiaries for life insurance policies and/or retirement plans?

How can I be more intentional in bringing up the conversation the very first time we meet?

May clients take their highly appreciated, non-cash assets and use them for charitable purposes? If so, can our firm still manage those assets?

Are there studies that show clients share more of their wealth with financial advisors who intentionally focus on charitable giving?

I am looking to engage my business clients in new and different ways. What are the ins-and-outs of corporate giving?

Wealth Advisor New Client Intake Form