Listening Workshop
How many times do we miss what the other person has said? And, do you convey your own message clearly enough?
This workshop, constructed out of the principles of improvisational theatre, is both fun and instructive: a great way to spend an afternoon with your team!
Sample event is as follows:
Introductions and the goals for today (10 minutes)
Quick Improv Show
Breakout Exercises
Group Exercise
Quick Improv Show
All Questions (10 minutes)
Pillars (10 minutes)
Shoulda Said (10 minutes)
Moving Bodies (10 minutes)
Yes, and... (10 minutes)
Wordball (10 minutes)
One-word Story (10 minutes)
Freeze Tag (10 minutes)
Group Exercise (Listening Skills)
Making a PB&J Sandwich (5 minutes)
Person in the Middle (Person in the middle listens to two different stories at the same time for one minute and tries to summarize each one) (5 minutes)
Ask around, person-to-person, what they learned today and how they might use it personally and professionally (20 minutes)