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Why Work With Rick— “The Philanthropy Guy?”
Richard “Rick” Peck is an independent philanthropy advisor with Richard C. Peck Consulting, LLC, working with nonprofits, donors, potential donors, and professional advisors.
He is also the founder of The Philanthropy Guy®, LLC, a leading-edge charitable giving resource hub featuring a bi-weekly podcast series broadcasting in nearly 20 countries around the globe Money to Give Podcast - Apple Podcasts, a bi-weekly newsletter for nonprofits, donors, and professional advisors Sign up to Stay in Touch!, the interactive website that is thephilanthropyguy.com, and various asynchronous webinar offerings found here Store 2 — Richard C. Peck Consulting, LLC and The Philanthropy Guy, LLC (Copy). Coming soon in late 2025: a book authored by Rick on the basics of nonprofit fundraising.
SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS: Rick is a requested speaker on the topic of philanthropy on three particular live and/or recorded platforms: 1) more than ten topic areas are available to view on-demand via Leimberg Information Services (LISI) Elevate Your Expertise with Estate, Tax, and Financial Planning Webinars; 2) two popular topic areas continue both live and recorded via CPAacademy.org (with over 10,000 registered attendees over the past few years), and 3) nearly 200 live and recorded webinars have been offered via myCPE Richard Peck | MY-CPE Expert Instructor.
Rick has served as a presenter for conferences organized by AFP-NNE and Volunteer NH, as well as more intimate settings for UMass Lowell, Ameriprise, Ledyard Financial Advisors, and the Fairfield County Community Foundation.
He has been a guest on multiple podcasts recently such as Stefanie Borsari’s Giving Voices podcast UnCharitable Movie Discussion with Rick Peck, The Philanthropy Guy and Sarah Andrews’ Episode 5: Rick Peck, The Phil - Nonprofits On A Mission - Apple Podcasts. He served as resident podcaster at the DAF Giving Summit in Nashville in October 2024—and will do so again at their September 2025 conference in D.C. DAF Giving Summit - October 16-18, 2024.
Most recently, Rick was the featured speaker at the Estate Planning Council of Northern Nevada (co-sponsored by the Planned Giving Round Table of Northern Nevada) with a topical two-hour presentation titled What You Need to Know Regarding Charitable Giving in 2025 and Under the New Administration - Joint Event with PGRT - Estate Planning Council of Northern Nevada. He is soon to speak on the same topic at the Fired Up Fundraising Conference Tickets, Thu, Mar 20, 2025 at 9:30 AM | Eventbrite in Manchester, NH.
Rick has had the honor and pleasure of working with the visionary Dien Yuen and her team on two projects related to her philanthropy consulting firm, Daylight: 1) Rick has created content, moderated, and marketed the Daylight Advisors | impact philanthropy advisor certificate and 2) Rick has helped to create curriculum frameworks and recruit nationally renowned speakers for the Donor-Advised Funds (DAF) Professional Certificate coming in April 2025—-the first time a nationally credited institution has offered a comprehensive course on donor-advised funds, now at $250 billion.
And, in addition to his own consulting and educational offerings, Rick leads a cohort of 50 of the best independent philanthropic advisors and grantwriters of today, including Ashleigh Nelson Ashleigh N. - Business Owner - AshAssist | LinkedIn and Everett Poisson Everett Poisson - Vice President of Advancement - Gates Global Policy Center | LinkedIn seen down below.
And, Rick has just unveiled a new platform called Give Trust, the goal of which is establishing nonprofit transparency and accountability standards to instill the trust of funders and unlock charitable giving in a new way. He and his growing team are on a mission to enable nonprofits to get access to the training, resources, and funds they need to make the impact we know they can!
ACCOLADES: Rick is an honoree of NH Business Review's list of the NH 200 for 2024 2024 New Hampshire 200 Recipients Named - NH Business Review (nhbr.com) which features New Hampshire’s most influential business leaders across major industries, like the nonprofit industry. He is also recognized in the MYCPE ONE Excellence Awards 2024 as one of the Top Speakers and Content Creators. Rick has also been featured in these publications in the past twelve months: MSN, Global Banking & Finance Review, NonprofitPRO, Benzinga, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, and Yahoo! Finance. He was just featured on My Carolina – CBS17.com and will soon be featured in Kiplinger and Private Wealth magazines.
BACKGROUND: From July 2023 through January 2024, Rick served as interim VP for Development at the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, which is the largest community foundation in the world. For six years prior to that, as VP for Development and Philanthropy Services, Rick led the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation’s philanthropy and donor services team, overseeing all aspects of development, donor engagement, and donor services.
Before joining this statewide community foundation, Rick served Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health and the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College as director of individual giving and gift planning, where he worked with grateful patients and families as well as medical school alumni to achieve their philanthropic goals. He also served Dartmouth College as an associate director of gift planning, working with alumni of the undergraduate college.
EDUCATION & CERTIFICATIONS: Rick is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, a Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy® and a Chartered Financial Consultant®. He holds an MBA from Baker College in Michigan and a BA from the University of Massachusetts. He is one of the 21/64 Certified Advisors - 21/64 and recently received his Daylight Advisors | impact philanthropy advisor certification.
AFFILIATIONS & BOARD INVOLVEMENT: Rick is the 2023-2025 President of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Advisors in Philanthropy (AiP). He is a member of the Ledyard Financial Advisors Advisory Council led by President and CEO Josephine Moran. Rick is also a member of the American College of Financial Services’ inaugural FinServe Network of philanthropic thought leaders and appeared in April 2023 and September 2024 on a small televised panel with the College’s president George Nichols, who interviewed him each time. Also through the American College, Rick is a member of its Industry Advisory Council. Rick is a present or former member of the following organizations: Association of Fundraising Professionals Northern New England (AFP-NNE), the Boston Estate Planning Council (BEPC), the Financial Planning Association (FPA), the NH & VT Council of Charitable Gift Planners, the NH Estate Planning Council, the community foundation-focused AdNet (Advancement Network), the Amelia Group (VPs of Development of large community foundations across the U.S.)—where he served as the Amelia Group’s organizer and moderator for almost two years—and finally, the business networking group USA 500, where he hosted the only Nonprofit RoundTable.
PERSONAL: Rick and his wife Claudette enjoy traveling and live in two places throughout the year: Wells, ME and Belmont, NC. Also, Rick is very proud of the fact that he has donated over 12 gallons of whole blood and platelets in his lifetime, which is the equivalent of saving as many as 300 lives. He donates either platelets or whole blood each month. To learn more about blood donation, see here: Donate Blood | Find a Local Blood Drive | American Red Cross.
Meet the Team
Ashleigh Nelson
Ashleigh is an accomplished business professional with a decade of experience in nonprofit administrative work and executive-level support. She graduated summa cum laude from the University of Massachusetts Boston with a degree in Psychology. As the owner of two businesses—a gift boutique where she designs jewelry, and a virtual assistant company—she combines her creative talents with entrepreneurial savvy, and prides herself on helping others achieve their goals with a little organizational support and a positive attitude.
In her free time, she enjoys crocheting, supporting fellow small businesses, and spending time with her husband, their dog Chips, and their two cats in Mason, NH.
Everett Poisson
Everett has over twenty two years of fundraising experience, including over eleven years in senior leadership roles. His experience includes roles with WGBH (Boston, MA), Harvard Business School, Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College (Associate Dean of Development), Clayton Christensen Institute (Vice President of Development), and Robert M. Gates Global Policy Center (Vice President of Development). His areas of expertise include program assessment, strategic fundraising and operational guidance, case development and marketing, major gifts and annual fund fundraising, capital and special campaigns, and staff training. Everett holds a BA from the University of New Hampshire and an MA from Dartmouth College. He resides in Hanover, NH and enjoys family trips, reading, and running.